Old School TIU - 2015 Bikini Series Week 3

Hello from frosty, icy, winter storm Austin, Texas! What a week and not in a good way. Winter is blessedly short here, it’s a pandemic so it’s not like I’m trying to get to the gym or something but man. Week 2 was not my most consistent exercise-wise but thankfully, I meal prepped so I got that going for me. And hey! We got the beach and sunshine in week 3!

2015 Bikini Series Week 3 Schedule

Monday: Hiity Bitty Bikini + 15+ min ab routine ((It’s supposed to be Sunkissed Abs if you have BB2)

Tuesday: Bikini Buns & Thighs + Beach Ball*(App)

Wednesday: Sunrise Sculpt (App) + High Intensity Cardio (That’s it…that’s what it says. I’m going to cut this since there are no rest days in the schedule)

Thursday: Mermaid (YouTube) + TKO Abs (App) (It’s supposed to be your favorite ab workout, I’m just going to try a new one)

Friday: Ultimate Bootycall + Beach Arms (App)

Saturday: 5k + Stretch & Release (App)

Sunday: Beach Bombshell + Caribbean Kettlebell (App)

*I traded this out for Total Body Tone Up from BB4. I have done weeks 1 and 2 three times (winter storm and then started over when my friend and her sister decided to start). Beach Ball is one that has to be modified for me because my exercise ball is smaller (so having to be on knees versus toes) and because of an advanced move( to date I have never been able to balance on my knees and do bicep curls). This makes it a not-as-great workout as I would like. TBTU is the same amount of time and challenging and beach themed!