Insert Name Here Hair Extensions Review

Hmm. This has turned into a review website. And I have a lot of thoughts and feelings and opinions so I am here for it. Anyways, I like bangs, I just love the way they make my face look. HOWEVER, a couple of years ago I made my friend and stylist Sarah Garner* promise to never cut my bangs again. Why? Y’all. I have a dang cowlick in the front of my damn head. That means no matter how great the cut is, it is so much freaking work to have bangs. And the grow out - because having bangs during a Texas summer is a hard “nah, dawg” for me, is the everloving worst for me and my genetically-derived widow’s peak. But as it does every year, the urge to have bangs hit me again, and I started talking about getting clip-in bangs. And because my IG ads come directly from brainwaves, I started seeing ads for the brand Insert Name Here.

Then, on their website, I saw they have Ariana Grande ponies. Then deeper into the rabbit hole, I found colored ponytails. And I don’t know if you know this, but I love, LOVE having my hair dyed. I’ve dyed my hair purple for every long trip I’ve had since I went to France in 2016 and have scheduled it around when actual customers would see me in person. My current job though, is far more customer and executive facing and so, the days of being able to literally dye my hair purple are gone. However, I can buy myself weekend hair and I am…hair for it.** So, here we are.

The Website: InsertNameHere is one of the many, many websites using influencers to push their products. What I liked about their website versus the tons of other ones, is that they don’t just have clip-in extensions where as of right this second aren’t my thing. Why? Because I like a 30-second payoff and clip-ins require you to curl and blend.

The Products: I got the Zoey Bangs and The Magical Miya Pony

The Process: I am not a novice to clip-in hair - I have one curly pony and one clip in extension piece that I got off of Amazon because it’s constantly recommended on buzzfeed. Again, ponytails are super simple - the real trick is getting them not slip. The clip-in extensions, really only work if you’re doing a half-up, half-down do which is not a go-to of mine. I like them just fine and for the price (also, I won a giftcard for Amazon), I’m not mad that I have it and I do use it.

Buying hair online - weird start to a sentence - like buying clothes online can be dicey because it needs to match your hair to be wearable (unless you’re going for pink hair, then live your best life). And figuring that out by staring at a picture is hard. But if you DM @insertnamehere on IG, they will literally look at your pictures and tell you which colors would work best. For real, I did it and they told me…and the I ignored them because…Selfie.

Zoey Bangs


The bangs match the lightest part of my hair. It’s January. My hair is normally dyed a bit darker. So my roots are darker than the bangs but my hair, in general matches which works out just fine when I wear these in a bun so, phew. However, the fine people at the company told me to pick the shade darker. They were right. They also told me that because it’s human hair (again, weird sentence), you can actually dye it to match if you want to. I don’t know…if I”m going to talk SG into helping me dye my fake bangs so I’ll probably wear them as is.

The real key here is placement of the bangs, otherwise, there’s literally one clip and it takes one second. But you do have to blend so if you’re wearing them with your hair down, you need to straighten or curl the long pieces to match. So, yes, it takes no time to clip them in but it does take some time to style them - like real hair.

Additionally, these are kind of long. Lots of the pics had people wearing side bangs so that makes sense but I like straight bangs so, I might have to learn to cut them. eek! Or I’ll just do what I did when I actually had bangs and blow them out my eyes all the time like the “Whaaaat a dog!” dog in Lady in the Tramp.***

Magical Miya


*Excited clapping * EEEEEEEE!!! Y’all. I don’t care what Rachel^ says, this damn ponytail brings so much joy. It’s super easy to put in. The ponytail attaches with a clip, and then a tail to wrap around the base of your ponytail to hide the clip and wrap. The instructions suggest putting your hair in a bun if you have fine hair. That being said, since this…presumably…does not match your actual hair, putting it in a bun lets you cover up your ponytail. The length and thickness and color are epic and I love it. The only downside is, I need to learn how to do the bun so that the wrap can get all the way around and the bobby pins don’t stab me in the skull. The ponytail is really heavy so it’s about making sure it’s secured in a comfortable way, in order for all day or all night wear.

The Price: Hairpieces are generally in the $50 range. The clip-ins that I bought from Amazon were like $10 but the other pony I have is $50. It’s also real hair and also, there are always discount codes because influencers have codes and then, signing up for their email list, you can get codes that way too.^^

Purchase Again?: Yup. absolutely. I have my eyes on that Ariana pony to wear for a Jasmine bound next fall. But I’m going to give it a solid six months before I buy fake hair again, so Mr. Selfie doesn’t murder me. It’s called compromise, friends.

How about you? Would you try some crazy colored hair extensions? How about an epic Ariana pony? Let me know in the comments!

*Read more about Sarah and her career here and here.

**That one was for Maggio and Sauceda

*** *singing* He’s a tramp! but I love him! Breaks a new heart…everyday! …If he’s a tramp, he’s a good one and I wish that I could travel his way, yeah!

^Who the hell is Rachel? Rachel is my friend who questions some of my style choices. She has great style but it’s definitely more refined than mine. She also never reads this blog unless I talk shit so * grinch smile * I’m sure she’ll get to this some time in 2021.

^^I used the code JADEY for 15% off. I have zero idea who Jadey is but I got tired of looking for the Kathleen Lights discount code with no success. I have bought one discount code - Selfie15 for 15% off really cool light up ears for @fortheloveofears on etsy.