Is Summer Canceled?

summer 2020_3.jpg

So . I took a break. A pretty long one. My last post was on March 10th. And before that, I had taken a short, little break because I went on a quick girl’s trip. (Oh my god. Remember going on a quick weekend trip? Me either). My post written and scheduled for posting on Mar 17th? A review of taking Archery Classes. And then, as you know, the World Turned Upside Down* . For a blog with illustrious goals about getting out and living adventurously, it’s taken a second to: 1) Figure wtf that means; 2) Why that might still matter; 3) Put down the tequila and coping queso** long enough to care; and 4) To feel up to taking pictures** - which is important for a blog - a medium that is about as much about the pictures as the words, no? We got those social media-induced attention issues.

Summmer 2020_1.jpg

And that’s nothing to say about the economic erosion, social justice upheaval, political division and the unending weight that we carry every day. And in fact, there are a few hundred thousand words to say about them. So, maybe talking about my new wig collection? Frivilous af. And almost insulting without acknowledging the incredible blessing and privilege of our personal situation(s). Regardless of whether we “have to” or “get to” WFH, I am grateful to have a job. Regardless of canceled plans, I am grateful for a roof over our heads and food to eat. And I may be “uninspired” from fatigue sometimes but I am grateful for enough space from the realities of every day to be “bored”.

Anyways, here we are, regardless. Like a Civil War-era letter, I pray you and your brethren*** are well. Hi! we’ve accumulated a solid…what? 17 weeks of quarantine-living for you. How have I/You/We been coping? I’ve run the gamut from loaded tater tots to baking bread^ to online shopping for the most random crap to (and from and back again) tequila to switching hobbies every five seconds to a weird obsession with fiber to sustainable agriculture practices via a CSA. Oh, and I forgot about the hair and makeup. So much fake hair. Sound…at all familiar?

So, I ask again is summer, (and dare I ask) this year canceled?

2020 has certainly been its own kind of adventure^^ but I argue: no. If life isn’t about living two weeks of PTO a year, then we also can’t be about “not counting 2020.” Has this year been just…an unmitigated insane alternate universe where we stand in the face of fear and loss and the unrelenting uncertainty of what comes next? Yes. But we have also learned, whether against our natures or not, the beauty of simplicity, gratitude for the true, true basics, a refinement of how we define the word “need” and a resilience that will be with us always.


I’m not insane, this is not going to be the best year of our lives. But it is a year of our lives and so, we should continue to live it as long we are so blessed.

And I’m going to be over here. Talking about the Quarantine 15. And Staycations. And yeah, probably wig application^^^ . And if literally anyone reads this - Hi! I really, really, really hope that you are well.



*”The Battle of Yorktown. 1781. Monsieur Hamilton! Monsieur Lafeyette. In command where you belong. Are you saying “No Sweat”? Umm. If you can’t sing this in your head, go hit Disney+ and come back.

**TM on the “Coping queso”

**I think #3 may have impacted #4.

***Sisteren. #Feminism

^Remember that?

^^If adventure is code for punishment. Torture. F*&king joke.

^^^So. Much. Fake. Hair.