Selfie Does Beauty Industry Talk with Sarah Garner

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Sarah Garner is a long-time hair stylist, amazing human and just super fun to be around. So when I got the opportunity to talk to her about all-things-beauty, I assumed we’d get some cool info about new products and being thoughtful about cutting your damn bangs and immediately regretting it because you have a cowlick on the front of your head and you live in heat and humidity *.  But our conversation  was so eye-opening from talking about following your dreams, not getting stuck in a job you hate, to the mechanics of networking as a young professional and its importance. So basically, we talked about all the things. If you’re interested in beauty tips you can find part one here. And if you’re here for career talk you can find that here.  Today, we’re talking about the business side of the beauty industry and how to get started and/or stay inspired!  You can find the amazing Ms. Sarah Garner at Siva Salon in Austin and on social media @sarahgarnerhair.

What are your professional goals as a stylist?

When I started doing hair  I kind of wanted to own my own salon someday. I'm not saying that I don’t want that. I think that is still  an eventual goal. But I will say I booth rent and it is very nice to just be your own boss and have your own business. So, I am still enjoying that part of what I do and how I’m set up here at the salon. My goal here in the right now is to try to work on the things that I haven’t done in the last 10 years because I did a lot of word of mouth and networking. So working more on branding my business and website and Instagram -  which is a whole other job in itself.

Another thing too - you have to to keep your craft going. I’d like to dive more into that in the next few years.

What do you do for continuing education?

There are hair shows and  a lot of private classes. Private classes won’t typically go towards hours to renew your license with the state but that’s where you’ll get a lot of great content for your clients. Usually what you need to do to renew your license through the state is more like sanitation. And that’s usually online. You can go to a class through one of your local distributors but otherwise, it’s done online.

Favorite IG hairdresser?

I follow a few hundred hairdressers on instagram. I do have a few favorite that just post really great, beautiful pictures. One of them here in Austin her name is Kristen Lumiere and she always has great stuff on her instagram. There’s one called @prettylittleombre . @Katherinelovescolor (she’s gotta a lot of great beautiful pictures on her Instagram), @camoflaugenndbalayage,  @hairdoctor  - she changed it to @iamginabianca, and they all post really great content.

So how are you going about learning more about IG following?  You have clients that are popular on IG I’m sure that brings people in as well. How are you going about learning that aspect of the business?

It’s really overwhelming. I’ve just tried to dive into it. Following other people on IG with content that you like and seeing what they post. I also started listening to this podcast by Britt Seva - The Thriving Stylist Podcast - it is amazing. She is awesome. She gives so much good information. If anyone is feeling stagnant in where they are - They love their job and they don’t want to change it but they are feeling bored for whatever reason - listen to her [podcast] and you will not feeling bored any more because she is awesome and will inspire you reignite you into your career.