Covid Self-Isolation

I was looking at the dates here and was like…I had so many posts preplanned, what happened that they didn’t get posted. Oh, right. I got Covid. Except for laying low prior to telling the fam (because I was fine but didn’t want to scare the sh** out of anyone for ten days). Anyways, if you’re lucky and haven’t had COVID, a lot of people (like… a lot. Not in an influencer, “everyone is asking about my skincare way”) had questions about it so in case you’re curious, here’s some anecdotal evidence. I feel like I joined some kind of weird club because when I returned to the world, a lot of people were like “oh, yeah. I had the vid too.” And I personally think it’s not a secret - I didn’t do anything wrong. I caught a highly infectious disease doing the things we’re “supposed to do” based on the guidance at the time.

But either way, these are what we call the “Are you an A$%hole and/or can this happen to me??” questions.**

1) Was it a breakthrough case?? Yes. Ya girl is vaccinated. The absolute first day I could get an appointment back in April. And that’s why it’s a breakthrough case.

2) Which Vaccine did you get? Pfizer

2) How did you know you had it? One minute I could taste and smell, the next I could not. I’ve been in-office this entire pandemic so I’ve had a lot of COVID tests. Like every time allergies are bad before I go back to the office, a lot. (In case you don’t know, in central Texas that’s a constant). Including this time. There are so many 15-minute test places*** there’s kind of no excuse IMO. Thus, I’ve had chit chats with medical professionals about the difference between allergies and covid. And the number one tell-tale sign I was told to look for? Loss of taste and smell.

2) Do you know how you got it? Okay so I had a sinus infection. Like sick for the first time in two years. Got a covid test. Got on a plane. Got coughed on…. a lot while having to lower my mask to blow my nose. Tested positive. Word to the wise, if you’re already sick….you should be more careful? Kind of obvious advice but just in case you’re like “should I get on this plane or in this crowded room?” like…you’re increasing your “can this happen to me?” factor.

3) Did anyone else test positive? Mr. Selfie?? Nope! Obviously, this was my number one concern which was the main impetus for the light covid crying until day 5 when I cried lightly about the lack of smell. And then day 7 when I cried lightly about the trapped-in-my-room thing.

4) Any symptoms? The lack of taste and smell thing. The smell loss was complete and the taste was weird. It was not complete. I still had salty, sweet, bitter, sour and spicy sense left. And let me tell you - that can make food taste MESSED up. And some brain fog. It was hard to tell if it was a bit of stress but it lingered. And then some crazy stuff happened like….I tried to drive my car with the sun shield in. I did actually wash my face with toothpaste. I booked the wrong dates on an air bnb. It freaked me the hell out.

5) Did that clear up? So smell came back in 4 days. But taste took a long time. Like three weeks. Which makes eating a real bummer. The brain fog came and went but cleared up a couple of days after the taste thing.

6) What’s the worst part? I’m so grateful that I didn’t get sicker. I’m so grateful none of my colleagues or spouse or friends or family didn’t get sick with me. That being said, spending ten days in the guest room en suite (which again….super lucky and privileged to have) and really staying away from my husband and dog (yup. pets are an important part of the isolation. You can’t pet your dog and send them back to your family) was not my favorite. I was stressed out thinking about my friends with toddlers. That seems impossible. Or in a family home where there is no space to quarantine.

At any rate, I hope that answers some questions or alleviate some stress you may have about this variant and you know…the next two. If you have any questions let me know!

*…wait. Why does no one ask about my skincare?

**I mean…sometimes but not about public health crises. I actually…care…about other people?

***Total Men’s Primary Care for the win