Eyelash Extensions

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There’s a filter on Instagram that gives you a full set of falsies and places in you in flattering black and white. Should we really be striving to look on an IG filter? Probably not but here we are, regardless. I get eyelash extensions for a few months once a year. The schedule normally revolves around a longer vacation where I want to look nice for photos but hauling around my false eyelashes would be inconvenient (Paris and Bordeaux!) to fairly impractical (Safari!) to straight-up psychotic (Everest Base Camp - If you don’t have enough oxygen, you don’t need makeup). Thus, extensions.

This year the desire returned due to the special sauce of an Instagram filter and something I call “January Skin.” January Skin is where your skin is literally glowing because you decided to get on your New Years’ grind and take a break from sugar, dairy and the real skin killer: Alcohol and replace it with greens, lean protein and what your body was asking you for: Iced coffee. I’m kidding, it’s water.

What are Eyelash Extensions? Eyelash extensions are where you have single lashes glued to your individual lashes. The look can be as low-key as you with mascara to DANG!!!! WHAT ARE THOSE? eyelashes. I suggest bringing a picture because what is “low-key” to me can be considered “dramatic”*. And what is considered “natural” looks no different to me and I’m not trying to spend my time or money without it being noticeable to me. That being said, you can also get over-the-top lashes which I’ve had and loved but would be a bit much for my job. I want to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but not “Here. Look at my eyelash extensions”, ya feel?

How Much Does it Cost? This go-around: $89.

I’m sort of the queen of budget eyelash extensions. I had a woman for years who did a really great job without any of the nicer upgrades like soothing eyepads that reduce your undereye puff whilst ensuring that your lower lashline doesn’t glue to your upper eyelashes thus gluing your eye shut. Nope, Michelle just used medical tape and her eyelash packages were like half of everyone else’s and looked great. But she’s since moved so, back to my old M.O. - the Groupon. I’ve never had an issue with using Groupons for eyelash extensions - this is my third, different shop in six years.

Refills will cost you $69 and up depending on how many lashes you’re missing by your fill appointment.

How Long Does it Take? Since you’re literally having lashes glued to your individual lashes? It normally takes two hours. You lay on a comfortable bed with your eye clothes and a eyepad to contain your lower lashes and you just lie there forever with a super bright light on your face.

Before And After:

How Long Do They Last? I’ve had them last for a full month looking really good. However, care of your eyelash extensions is really important - like cleaning them properly, ensuring to sleep like a mummy so they don’t get smushed, not letting Mr. Selfie squash them, washing your face around them, and outside of a very gentle cleaning and brushing, not touching them AT ALL. Generally, you go in for fills every three to four weeks. Some people will go every two weeks because they can’t deal with a single gap.

Do They Damage Your Natural Lashes? YES. Dude, anyone who says otherwise is LYING to you. Is it permanent damage? No, but you can’t put glue and a literal fake lash on each of your eyelashes without damage - it tugs and no matter how light they are, it’s still heavier than nothing. Them’s the breaks. So what do you do? Simple, you have eyelash extensions for a few months, and then, you don’t to let your natural lashes repair. Or conversely, some people just never not have extensions and so they don’t care. I do the former because of time and expense and not wanting to wake up one day without eyelashes.

Would You Do it Again? 100% absolutely. I love having eyelash extensions. Especially when my skin feels like behaving and I don’t need much makeup, it’s awesome to feel totally put together and awake looking with just some moisturizer. When I travel, it’s also super nice to feel pretty and made-up without packing much of anything. Or on treks where it makes no sense to have makeup, it’s nice to still feel like yourself.

How about you? Do you have eyelash extensions? Did you do it and love it or hate it? Are you considering? Let me know in the comments or on social!

*Yes, Yes, I know. Shocking.