Selfie Does End-of-Summer Style

“End-of-Summer” feels like an inside joke at this point. It’s a million degrees and while you may be able to get a PSL* and attend Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween** ….it’s summer still. So in no particular order, here are the items getting me through the sweatiest time of the year.***

First up, as you can tell here, I’m not so worried about the wrinkles. It’s too hot. I”m here for looking at least a little cute and being in clothes that can breathe and deal with sweat. Exhibit A is this dress and essentially any dress I can wear with cowboy boots. The super cute sleeves on this dress elevate it a bit from simply being a worn-in cotton dress.

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This is, of course, following the same idea.. A dress layered with a slip layer on the inside but super breathable with a cute detail. That detail here, besides the very twirlable skirt is the (hidden in these pics) bow in the back!

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Finally, this dress I randomly picked up at Macy’s for $20 and am completely obsessed with. Some people gain weight during the holidays. Ol’ Selfs really loves that vacation time cheat weeks^ . Why am I telling you this? Simple - this dress has a tailored look but is actually super stretchy and comfortable and has enough layers of fabric + pattern to hide the sweaty mcsweatiness!


It’ll be back to work clothes so soon for Selfie but in the meantime - what are you wearing to get you through until we get to actually wear any of those sweaters your fav online stores are selling right now? Tell me in the comments!

*I actually have no Basic comments about Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I love pumpkin spice almost anything but I can’t deal with drinking 900g of sugar in my coffee so I haven’t had one in a few years. My old work friends - colloquially called “Los Vinos” made up a skinny version.

**I’m joking. I’m going to be at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival because that is where I go, friends

***”Selfs, you’ve done three style posts in a row which all feature prominent complaints about the heat. Can you pull it together?” Listen. I’ll pull it together when the gosh dang weather/sun/global warming does, k?