Selfie Does Run Disney Costumes: Snow White


As I mentioned previously, I’m a big fan of the costumes people wear for Run Disney races. (See Minnie and Mickey  here ). For my first marathon, I was really short on time but, I knew I was going to be sad without one*. So, I filtered down my options to the characters that have dark hair (lots of people wear wigs – more power to them but no, thanks.) I liked the Snow White colors but, there was no way I was going to do a high collar and a cape like I’ve seen on other blogs and pinterest and in person.  To me, for long distances, it’s critical not to add any weight or anything that will create a lot of drag. However, I realized that I could stick with the 1930s vibe of the costume by using a Peter Pan collar and thus, I created this crazy person sketch which we turned into the real deal:

In the interest of giving appropriate credit, I, first, have to admit my crafting skills are incredibly lacking and it was 95% the work of Mr. Selfie’s Mom**that turned the insane person sketch I made on a  post-it note into a shirt. (Just a side shout-out, my mother-in-law is the actual best. Like legitimately, my Sister-in-Law and I were texting about it yesterday. The Mr. Selfies are just the nicest).  In addition, I was very inspired by this super cute shirt and found a Peter Pan collar pattern on this site. From there, we decided on sewing ribbon to the existing sleeve instead of creating a new one for simplicity and comfort reasons.

Step 1:

First, we cut the five pieces of ribbon for each sleeve into equal, ten-inch pieces. We, then, pinned the pieces together at the top and we (read: my wonderful MIL) sewed it straight across to create one ribbon piece. We did the same thing to the bottom of the ribbon piece and repeated for the ribbons of the other sleeve.

Step 2:


Then, we***flipped the ribbon piece over and sewed it to the existing shoulder seam. When the piece is flipped back over to sew it to the bottom of the sleeve, it creates the little bit of “poof”. The ribbon was a little long but we just sewed it to the inside of the bottom of the sleeve which looks really cute and resolved the length issue.

Step 3:

Then, we*** flipped the ribbon piece over and sewed it to the existing shoulder seam. When the piece is flipped back over to sew it to the bottom of the sleeve, it creates the little bit of “poof”. The ribbon was a little long but we just sewed it to the inside of the bottom of the sleeve which looks really cute and resolved the length issue.

Step 4:

Finally, we***  pinned the yellow ribbon down the center and just sewed it straight down the middle. And voila! Part one of the WDW Marathon costume is done! I’m looking forward to showing off the whole outfit once it’s all completed.

Step 5:


All I had to add was a yellow running skirt (Runningskirts) and the headband. The headband was just a red ribbon I had leftover from making the shirt and sewed to an old headband^.

The running costume was really comfortable during the run. I’ve never been one for running skirts but I was surprised about how great it was to run in. Except for the ribbon sleeves making a bit of noise when it was really windy, I didn’t feel a difference between my run costume and wearing regular running clothes^^. Plus, it was so fun and encouraging having people get excited and yell “Go, Snow, Go!” during the race, especially at the end when I really needed a pick-me-up. There are always such great costumes during Disney Races and honestly, it’s always fun to be part of the magic!

*...This is like a really specific type of FOMO

**New Official title

***Read: Mr. Selfie’s Mom. I can just keep reusing this footnote

^Which I wear...all the damn time. Years later.

^^I did have to go for a training run in Papa Jose’s neighborhood - NEVER wear new things during a race. Wearing that in the Metropolitan Orlando area on a Tuesday...does make you seem insane