Selfie Does Run Disney Costumes: Minnie & Mickey


Another thing I love about running at Disney is that running costumes are super popular*. I mean, Disney does a lot to keep you entertained but in those long stretches having Buzz Lightyear blast past you, makes everyone laugh and generally, makes a tough run really fun. After run two Walt Disney runs sans costume, (and Beyonce knows, I love me some Minnie) I was eager to get into the spirit of it. So, I set out to make a fun and simple costume and it being Disney Month, I thought that this would be a great time to share how I put it all together.

The Minnie Mouse Running Costume

First, I definitely ruled out wearing any non-running clothes as a costume. I see tons of people in full-on Halloween costumes and I have no idea how they do it. Having worn some of those costumes for Halloween, I know first-hand how the material and stitching are not built for running. So, I decided to figure out how to design a costume around regular dry fit clothes. I opted for Minnie Mouse and scoured the internet for ideas. I started with a red dri fit running tank and my regular Nike running capris. Then, I bought a custom-made tutu from a cute etsy store called Little Miss Esther. For the gloves, we started with white gloves we found at a costume store. We got black felt at a craft store, cut the felt into small ovals and attached them to the gloves with craft glue. I wore long black costumes gloves because it was November and my top was sleeveless. They didn’t breathe and I ended up carrying them most of the race. I also painted my shoes with yellow sparkly fabric paint. I definitely didn’t use spray paint because I wanted my shoes to breathe during the half. I got the Minnie ears at Disney* and the belt at the expo.( I wish I remembered the brand because I really love the belt and wear it on my shorter runs- if you know, please give them a shout out).


The Mickey Mouse Costume

You could probably guess this if you’ve read any other post here but Mr. SElfie is a really good sport. I’m sure dudes would say “uh. No thank ya”  to wearing a couple’s costume whilst running 13.1 miles. Annoyingly**,  Mickey was way more popular than Minnie was during the run. People kept yelling ” MICKEY!!!!” at him and a little girl even ran out onto the course to give him a high five. He work a black shirt and red shorts with his running tights as a base. Then, we just attached yellow felt circles to his shorts with safety pins. For his ears, we bought one of the Mouseketeer hats with the elastic band and fitted the hat part on top of his running hat and secured it by wrapping the elastic band under the cap of his running hat.

I know running costumes aren’t everyone’s thing but if you DO want to give it a shot, I strongly suggest fashioning an outfit around your running clothes. It was such a fun way to run our half together and it was a blast hearing people get excited about and cheer for “Mickey and Minnie”! What would your ideal Run Disney Costume be? 

* “another thing”? This is how we start posts now? In the middle of a list? Wow. 


**Duh. You’ve seen them in 90 million photos this month.

*** I feel like I’ve mentioned that I am, in fact, a monster. Tis what it tis.