Selfie Does Staying Fit While Traveling

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I travel quite a lot for work and as such, I’ve had to learn that: 1) traveling for work is not a vacation and therefore, not an excuse to eat crazy sauce; and 2) That I need to stick to my regular workout routine because if I didn’t, I really wouldn’t be working out much at all. Just as a note, I do not, however, give myself a hard time about working out or not working out during vacation because you’re supposed to take a break and be a person. I do, however, sometimes need to workout during a planned trip if I’m training for a specific race. I’m also at a point in my life where I’m content to incorporate exercise into every day including vacations because it’s fun - like hiking in the Tetons, Mountain Yoga, Kayaking, walking miles in a theme park - and I don’t really consider that a “work out”.

Selfie Tip #1: Run/Walk

 When traveling during a training season, you gotta run no matter where you are, but that’s a great part about running – you can do it anywhere. In addition, running is a great way to see a new city! I’ve gotten to experience running along the river in Calgary, jogging through the French Quarter, weaving my way along the boardwalk in South Beach and so much more. If I’m not training, I love being able to take a walk, wherever I am. I was surprised on a short business trip where I only had a few hours to myself, I ended up walking five miles!

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Selfie Tip #2: Classpass & Resorts

Going to new places allows for a chance to try new classes and activities, too. I go on different types of business trips now but I do know that if your event is at a resort, a lot of resorts offer included or minimal-cost fitness classes. I’ve taken yoga, HIIT classes and have even been able to fit in activities like stand-up paddleboarding and guided hiking. Now that I have Classpass, I also try to use up my credits in different cities. Major cities (like Denver where I took a spin class during a bachelorette party) have great class offerings that are convenient and simple to get to.

Selfie Tip #3: Use Your Phone

With my cellphone, I can  access all of my strength workouts.* I use the Fitbody app but I know Aaptiv, Sweat, Tone it Up and numerous others all offer great options. And of course, you don’t need an app. I’ve also used youtube videos for workouts in hotel gyms or even some in-room yoga. If you’re into yoga, there are great workouts on YouTube including everyone’s fav – Yoga With Adriene. You can also always find great travel workouts on Instagram – especially after the addition of Instagram Stories and IGTV.

Selfie Tip #4: Be Organized

All that being said, working out while traveling requires you to be very organized. First things first – ALWAYS check the weather. Nothing nixes a run or an outdoor workout like an unexpected storm or cold front without the proper gear. If you’re checking a bag, it may be best to be bring your second-best pair of shoes in case your luggage gets lost. If you’re not checking a bag (and if I’m going from one city to the next in a single day, I can’t) I economize by planning to wear my workout clothes as pajamas one day and workout in them the next so I’m minimizing outfits. I also only bring running shoes instead of different workout shoes. (Yes, I used bring multiple workout shoes in order to preserve my running shoes). If running, don’t forget to bring along your accessories -your spibelt, iPhone arm carrier or favorite headphones may be the thing that you need to give you the extra motivation it takes to run/workout. And it’s not just limited to the gear, I also try to plan out a workout schedule before I leave and store it on my phone or type it into my itinerary Googlesheets.** This also helps me to pack only what I actually need and not more than that. For example, every mediocre hotel gym has weights but not all of them have mats or a resistance band which my leg exercises call for. So it’s easy for me to plan to pack the resistance band and bring down a room towel and not use that as an excuse not to workout.

Selfie Tip #5: Workout First

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I don’t know about you but when I have a full day of travel and/or work, I’m tired. I also work a job where it’s more likely that I’ll end up with dinner plans either with a client or business partner after I’m done presenting for the day. That face-to-face time is really important and I don’t so I don’t skip those dinners. In order to ensure that my day won’t be turned upside down nor will I have to try to workout at 9 pm, I simply get my workout done first thing in the morning. It also helps me get my head straight for the day to get a sweat on and start the day off right. I have a list of shorter workouts to do at the end of the day if I need help getting to sleep. While a nightcap may be a go-to because I give hours worth of presentations, I’d rather skip it and find some other way to find some calm - like a HIIT workout or a meditation or both - which helps to settle any nerves, shake off the brain cobwebs, bring some restful sleep and be ready to tackle the same presentation - often in a different city - again, tomorrow.

How about you ? How do you stay fit while traveling?

*[Enter: My 9-hour lament about breaking my phone this past week without access to repair while stuck in a smaller city and then being stuck in yet another city/state for a full day. ]

**Why are you always talking about Googlesheets? Y’all I live off my travel SS at this point. You gots to stay organized.