Selfie Does Valentine's Day Style

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This probably comes as zero shock to anyone, but I do love me some Valentine’s Day. I mean, given my enthusiasm for New Year’s, I should probably have some introspection about why I love holidays that seemingly everyone else seems to really effin hate*. But I love red. and sparkles. And potentially, love. Apparently, I’m sold on whole holidays based solely on the color palette (See: This). Anyhoodles, I tend to have at least three different opportunities to dress for Valentine’s day: Awork party, Galentine’s Day and date night with the irresponsibly handsome Mr. Selfie**. It probably continues to not shock anyone that my wardrobe has plenty of options related to this particular holiday (except if it’s frickin freezing which it is rn in Austin but you know, we got coats)  and so I wanted to share some style ideas even if you hate pink or red or frilly or dresses but…not all of those at the same time.

Galentine’s Day

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I don’t know about y’all but I definitely save my most stylish clothes, not for date night, but for girls’ night out because my friends have the best reactions. I mean, is there anything better than styling an outfit and getting a “DAMN, GIRL!” from your friend Cat? Or an approving nod and a “Love it.” from your friend Victoria?*** That’s why I save this particular outfit for Galentine’s Day (that and “here’s my whole chest” isn’t work appropriate). This red suit is one that I bought for work Halloween to be Clark Kent “but make it FASHION”.

* Pause* “I’m…sorry. How many damn parties do you guys have at work? Are you adults?” A lot. We also take them extremely seriously. And whatever! It’s fun and our jobs are otherwise extremely serious and busy. *unpause*

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Anyways, because I had bought it specifically for a costume, I definitely was trying to keep the cost down, so I ended up finding it at Express. (Express, a store that I hadn’t really shopped since I was in my teens and early 20s has come in, in a clutch, multiple times recently. And they always have sales).  I love the specific shade of red on this suit and yes, I could just wear it for work which I sometimes do but I also love the cut because it’s great for that no-shirt suit look which I think is just so stunning (See: Blake Lively all last fall). In my actual life, I’m probably not going to…not wear a shirt because that’s...just…not how I roll even though I think it’s dope. So, to me, this low V-neck, sequin bodysuit gives me that exact vibe but with more sparkle and because it’s a bodysuit, a more streamlined silhouette with the pants. I also picked up the bodysuit at Express.

Wearing this dope suit with a pair of sparkly shoes is the exact amount of panache I’m looking for to hang out with my stylish, amazing group of friends. To wrap it all up, I normally throw on a pair of sparkly studs and grab this color-changing sequins bag to finish up the whole downtown, nighttime look.


Date Night


For date night, I’m pretty much always going to go with a dress. A suit is vurry cool but a dress, to me, is straight-up romantic. This year, I’m deciding between two options. I have my classic rose-pattern maxi dress from Guess. It’s nice that it’s fairly versatile. For a more casual and slightly less “here is my clavicle” look, you can also tie it around the neck.  Because of the color and the ruffle sleeve detail (sweet mother of Beyoncé, I do love me a statement sleeve), this one has been a staple in my wardrobe since I got it a couple years ago.

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If you are one of my friends who really doesn’t love red and/or you only wear black because…your soul and/or “FASHION”, this is the other option in the works. I’ve been coveting a tuxedo dress for the longest time and picked up this one for the most reasonable price at Fab’rik, here in Austin. I love the suiting detailing but the cut and the length, give it that sexy “I’m in a movie and am just wearing your men’s shirt but it’s super sexy because it somehow fits perfectly” vibe. I love this dress with a pair of super red shoes, but it would also be very chic with a stylish black or metallic shoe if that’s more your jam.


Valentine’s Work Day

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Finally, for work I’m going to rock this skirt/sweater/bag combo because I love the colors, think it’s super cute but still work appropriate and definitely screams “I love Valentine’s”. The sweater and bag are actually official Disney Parks apparel. While I love Disney, IRL I don’t like just straight-up “here’s my Mickey shirt” apparel but the bag was a gift from Papa Jose and this sweater was so darling I couldn’t help myself. Plus, the whole Mickey/Minnie thing at Valentine’s day is an unofficial tradition for Mr. Selfie and me. It also pairs really well with the bow detailing in this skirt from I randomly found this company when I was desperately searching for a new Christmas outfit and I’m really obsessed with the vintage-style skirts and extremely reasonable prices, so I tried it out. I have been really, really pleasantly surprised at the quality, especially for the low price point, free shipping and continual sales on their site. Depending on the weather (seriously. Texas. Over it. I didn’t move here from Chicago to be cold), I’ll probably make these even more work approps by adding black tights which will also make the pink shoes pop!


How about you? Are you a V-day lover or hater? And either way, do you plan a special outfit so you can but out those heart-shaped items that don’t get enough…wait for it…love?



*False. I will do zero introspection. I is who I is, I like what I like.

**Selfs, we just…making up words and phrases today? *shrugs *

***Names have been not-at-all changed to protect the not-so-innocent