Selfie Does Caldo de Pollo


If the last week of arctic tundra prepared is for anything, it’s soup weather. Now, I realize I have a disproportionate amount of soup on here but this one is the real winner. Anytime I’m super sick or...not in the mood to pick something new to try, I end up back here at my favorite meal in the world - My dad’s Caldo. And it’s like, specific - I’ve had an 103 degree fever and crawled down to the kitchen to make this soup because I want it made the exact way Papa Josè makes it.


Since this recipe lives in, you know, my head (and my heart awww), just know you may have to tweak to taste.  Alllllso, if your papa or mama or lucky you(!), your abuela, also makes Caldo, be aware that I make it like on a Monday and I have a job and Vanderpump comes on at 8 and If I gotta wait til ten to eat dinner, I will eat your life. That means instead of making bone broth, I buy low sodium chicken broth from the H-E-B cuz ain’t nobody but your abuela who loves you got time for that - and Papa Josè, Obvs. Also, as a note, you can throw this in a crock pot but it’s always better in a pot. 


Selfie Family Secret Caldo de Pollo  


2 lbs Bone-In Chicken Breast  

2 Garlic Cloves


32 oz low sodium chicken broth

1 medium onion

2 cups of potatoes  

3 carrots

2 Zucchinis  

2 Jalapeños   

1 tomato  

Juice of four limes  


Chop onions and garlic and sauté with a small amount of oil in a pan. Quickly sear the outside of the chicken. Finely chop just the stems of the cilantro. Chop all vegetables except the tomatoes. Add everything except the tomatoes to a large pot - including the lime juice. The lime juice is the secret to this family Caldo.   Also, since wr’re Using low sodium broth, add salt to taste.


If you’re in a hurry you will boil the broth, chicken and vegetables until the chicken is cooked through and the potatoes are soft (and then, pull a Selfie and burn the hell out of your mouth). Otherwise, medium heat for a.while. (Obviously, awhile means until the chicken and potatoes are done). When the potatoes are cooked through, add the tomatoes until cooked. 

Serve with another squeeze of lime, tortillas, the leafy part of the cilantro and a healthy amount of salsa. If I’m sick, I’m also going to eat it with Mexican rice which Papa Josè will have to do a tutorial on in the future. It’s also super customary to have cabbage in the Caldo - I just never want to buy cabbage. 


And thats it! Please let me know if you try it. It also seems pretty easy to modify to make vegan/vegetarian and/ or to add your favorite vegetables - I can never bring myself to change it up but I am curious so lmk, my little guinea pigs. 

Happy National Soup Day! Provecho!