Selfie Does Healthy Austin Lunch Spots


A healthy eating post during the sacred “holiday” season?! Mon dieu! Yes, friends. For a couple reasons. First, ya girl is nigh halfway through the 90-day Challenge* and the holidays consists of, for me at least, like four or five days.** otherwise, I’m keeping on my normal plan so, if you’re looking to find something to eat for lunch and live your best life for dinners, you love salads*** or you’re reading this in January^ here are some of my local go-tos. 


I’ve talked about Cava before. I’m maybe too big of a fan? I’m also a human who tracks their macros so their nutrition calculator is super helpful but more importantly than any of shniz, it’s flipping delicious. You can get salads or a grain bowl, add some lean protein, add some veggies, be a little thoughtful about your condiments and bam!! Healthy lunch. I’m a huge fan of these greens besides lettuce because the have shaved Brussels sprouts and whathaveyou which is way better than depressing romaine lettuce.^^

Snap Kitchen 

Okay, so if you’re on a specific plan, snap kitchen gives you the MOST information and let’s you search stuff online by category - like dairy-free or whole 30 or low sodes^^^ it’s super easy. Some cons - you do heat these bad boys up yourself and it can be pricey but it’s just really simple go-to. 


Sometimes people are like - idk wth you can eat (here’s why)- and without fail, I say Mexican food. Why? Because you can eat it if you’re missing your nutrition or if you live my dietary-needs life. My favorite taco spot in Austin is Taco Deli because their food (and salsa!!!) is so good and so fresh. Don’t start coming @ me with your Torchy’s taco nonsense either, dude. If you want to have fried chicken with queso tacos, go for it! But taco places can be healthy too. If you’re living that salad life, I love the corazon. The ceviche tacos on Fridays and Saturdays are my faaaaav for lunch time though! Bonus: Also, available at the airport!



 Now that Cava has opened at the Domain, I’m not quite as likely to hit up Flowerchild but when I’m meeting a girlfriend for lunch and we’re having lunch and a glass of wine, this is my go-to. It’s a super cute spot, the food is great but I will say, they love their monosaturated fats here which is nice but I normally hold the cheese and add a protein when I’m minding the macs#. I will say, this is another one of the places that gets pretty pricey for what it is so it’s not an everyday: 

Mad Greens 

Mad Greens is actually a Mr. Selfie pick because he really likes their wraps. They have great , customizable salads and fresh juices too which is great. This is my go-to for breakfast at the airport because of that customization so I can add a ton of greens to an egg/potato/hot sauce situation before I head out. 


Juiceland is my #1 go-to for picking up fresh juice but more importantly, at the airport. They have GF wraps which are soooo hard to find, the food is delicious and fairly balanced nutritionally. Added bonus, tons of vegetarian or vegan fare if that is your jam...or jelly##.

So, tell me! How do you do holiday season eating? And what are your go-to lunch spots when you’re on your grind? 

*Last 90 days is a challenge to work in five small habits everyday leading up to the end of the year via Ms. Rachel Hollis and Co.: Drink more water, move 30 min everyday, are one thing you’re grateful for, give up an item of food you don’t need for 30 days and wake up an hour earlier to do something for you and your goals. Way easier than I thought it would be and I do feel better than I normally would in November. Shout-out to my accountability buddy!

**T-Gives, Selfie’s Bday, Christmas Party (aka Selfies’s birthday part deux), Christmas and New Year’s Eve!

*** …you’re a monster. Get out. JK. I’m currently in eating a big salad everyday and found ways to make it not suck.

^Hey 2020, you! No judgment here.

^^No (night)shade. If you love romaine, bless! I just find it depressing.

^^^ I’m the absolute worst. Welcome to site.

#Yup. I’m a monster. Ask Mr. Selfie:
