Selfie Does Cozy Sweaters

I don’t know about you but to me the space in between Thanksgiving and the New Year is a time to try to look cute, stay warm ( and/or cool – this Texas weather is crazy, y’all) and be comfy all while rocking that *ahem*  super fun holiday  “this-is-the-most-wine-and-dairy-I-consume-all-year-gimme-dat-brie”  vibe. This means a couple of super important things: First and foremost, leggings that don’t look like what my husband calls “depression pants*” and second, cozy-but-cute, over-sized sweaters that counteract the skin-tightness of the pants. I guess those could also go in reverse: I want skin-tight pants to counteract the bulkiness of the sweaters. And all of these are nice enough for a casual work day or holiday brunch without a lot of fuss.

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I deeply love any comfortable pants that look like actual pants – like these H&M faux leather leggings. They are actual pants and not leggings which means I feel work-appropriate but also, they have enough give that if I have a bit more queso than I was expecting, they still fit great. I’ve recently fallen in love with these Spanx jeans, as well. Yup, that’s right, y’all. These are, like, legit jeggings. Ugh, what? But ZFG because they are AMAZING and also, look like actual jeans including the cute hem on the bottom. Most importantly, they are so comfortable that I did a pretty lame Thanksgiving workout in them while watching the Bears game. And finally, because I found out I lurve Spanx pants, Mr. Selfie gifted me these bomb maroon faux leather leggings. All the different styles let me wear my favorite over-the-knee fall boots, these amaze gold sneakers or my fav winter heels without feeling over-exposed or *Austin casual dress code shudder* overdressed or *Selfie-specific shudder* underdressed.

On the sweater side, as with most of wardrobe, I’m looking for two things – items that aren’t stupid expensive but also have something special about them. For example, this white sweater has cool cut-outs but it’s not so open that it negates the fact that it’s supposed to, you know, keep Selfie warm. This – for lack of a better term – sweater cape has been one of my fav items for YEARS. As I’m just the tiniest bit extra AF, I love, love, love this faux fur trim. It picks up any outfit and makes it just a little bit more retro-glamorous.

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 Finally, I’m just a fan of this classic red sweater with its racing stripe and oversized chicness. As for the non-stupid-expensiveness, I just can’t deal with paying too much for winter sweaters. Living in Texas, I don’t get to wear them for so much of the year and so I just can’t deal with dropping a ton of money on a sweater. That’s how I ended up getting sweaters at *whaaaaat* Express and Forever 21 which, as a woman in my 30s, haven’t been on my list of go-tos in about ten years but every once in awhile turn up some gems!

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*At the height of the great recession, I was passively laid off at the same time my student loans came due. I spent a lot of time lying face-down on the carpet in our living room. My husband still has night terrors when he sees those wide-legged Victoria Secret yoga pants. *shrugs* Good times.