Old School TIU - 2015 Bikini Series Week 8


2015 Bikini Series Week 8 Schedule

You still hanging in there?! Amazing! Welcome to the last week! Man, this is a tough series but one of the cool things in the past 6 years is not being so all or nothing about this. For example, I def have tendonitis around my ankle and so I’ve had to cut hiit and running (and walking.) which is disappointing but you know what? A bunch of strength training is better than: a)nothing and b) not healing a kind of critical part of the whole body. Anyways, big congrats for getting here and enjoy!

Monday: Ultimate Bootycall + Beach Ball (App) + Mermaid (YouTube)

Tuesday: Bikini Arms Workout + Bikini Abs Workout (App)

Wednesday: Coconut Core + Bikini Buns & Things (App) + 30 min Cardio

Thursday: Bikini Yoga (App)

Friday: Beach Bombshell (App)

Saturday: 5k

Sunday: Sunset Sweat (App) (It’s supposed to be Set the Bar)