Disney Things #TIBIQ
I was asked to name my “COVID hobby” for a recent introduction and I was like….Idk what to tell you. I wasn’t over here baking sourdough nor have I redecorated my home to be CottageCore but I also don’t know that I want you to open with “Selfie’s COVID Hobby was…irrational online shopping.” How do you know the difference between practical shopping as a replacement for things we no longer have access to and just straight-up stress shopping wherein you look to purchase the next thing that will magically make life so much better? How about randomly buying stuff to wear on my next trip to Walt Disney World. A trip that’s likely to occur….sometime in 2022?
If you’ve read this blog (like this), you undoubtedly have met my love for park wear and more-subtle Disney accents. There’s no signage in our home related to “Pixie Dust” here but I do go through weekends where I just….watch every live-action film that’s not the Lion King. It should come as no surprise then that some of my more high-stress, early-Pandemic items were just straight-up Disney stuff. And if you, like me, need a little more “magic” in your life, let me politely point you to a little site called BoxLunch. At some point in the last few years with the rise of DisneyBounding, companies like Loungefly have profited like geniuses by making extremely cute Disney Bags. And being the sucker I am for both a subtle theme and…purses, I know own a Mulan purse and a Haunted Mansion wallet because…of course I do. A cool thing is that I forgot that wallet was in my Mulan purse so there are no photos.* I will point our that BoxLunch has a ton of sales, caters to different fandoms and also, has a rewards program. So except for these items being…Completely useless to me for the time-being, it is a super cute site for novelty items.
Now that summer is over**, I will return to wearing socks more regularly. Which reminds me that pne of my FAVORITE gifts last year was an advent calendar…filled with Disney Princess-themed socks. Uh. This is something I would NEVER buy for myself. There is nothing subtle about purple Pocahontas socks but man, that little frickin advent calendar was so fun and I’ve worn every pair of those socks - mostly to the gym or to hang out at my house. And it filled my cold, black heart with deep, deep joy. It was weird. As it was early springtime and there was a large sale, I ended buying very, very colorful UP! Themed socks. To be fair, they also fill my heart with joy.
I did not buy this hat.
On a different note, I was listening to an old episode of Healthier Together***, and one of the topics was about small things you can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Clearly with a series called “Things I Bought in Quarantine” does not make me Mari Kondo but one of the take-aways was if the best thing about what you’re buying is that it’s on sale, you do not need that thing. The Haunted Mansion-themed wallet I bought and…FORGOT ABOUT…clearly doesn’t meet that threshold. lso, at least socks are useful and colorful and happy and remind me of fun times! But the beautiful Mulan bag with the green strap? It wasn’t even on sale. I just really love it and look forward to wearing it. Hopefully someday soon.