Selfie Does Favorite WDW Rides for Adults


I got asked to do a favorite rides post* and man, this has been tougher than I thought. So polled all my people (and then vetoed their dumber answers like the benevolent dictator of Selfie Does that I am) and split it up by park. So here’s my criteria. As an adult I don’t want rides: that are boring, make me nauseous, require three hour waits nor leave me drenched so, that helped eliminate a few.  Looking at you: Peter Pan, Mission Space and Kali River Rapids . Also, we’ll just assume this request was for  best “rides/attractions” as an adult. And ideally, I’d like a line in the shade so, this is a list for the little bit high maintenance park-goer aka the “Selfs Daily Special”.

Animal Kingdom

Listen, Pandora is neat but time is money** and nothing is worth it to me to wait over seventy minutes. That factor, right there, boots both Pandora rides our of contention and I say that having ridden both of them. Because…you have to.


Expedition Everest :Everest nostalgia (I guess that’s not universal) plus just a super fun roller coaster! And it goes backwards!

Dinosaur: A classic from when it was called Countdown to Extinction. It’s like still pretty scary and I feel like, as adults, we don’t talk about dinosaurs enough. Dinosaurs are awesome.

Lion King: IMO the best live show at Disney. Plus having some kill “Circle of Life” live is just err-damn-thang.

Selfs Notes: What I learned from this list is that I may love AK even more than I though because Kilimanjaro Safaris is also great and It’s Tough to Be a Bug is fun, too! Who knew?

Magic Kingdom

I don’t…have a ton of pictures of us at Magic Kingdon so this is how you get the Selfies making out. Sorry. #notsorry

I don’t…have a ton of pictures of us at Magic Kingdon so this is how you get the Selfies making out. Sorry. #notsorry

Space Mountain: Classic, dark, not as long of a wait as the other mountain range rides.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Still the best. Fully immersive, boat ride but not boring.

PhilharMagic: This never has a wait, is adorable nostalgia and just does not get enough love, at all.

Haunted Mansion: Also a classic but with shade and available day-of fast pass.

Special Former Ride Mention: Alien Invasion! That mess was TERRIFYING!!!!!! TER.RI.FY.ING. From when I was kid until I was an adult. I miss it. Do y’all know what I’m talking about? There was darkness and blood and woo! Also, Thunder and Splash Mountain are great but I’m living without a fast pass over here so.


Hollywood Studios

Rock n Roller Coaster: Best coaster at Disney. Don’t @ me.

Tower of Terror: Best ride ambiance ever. EVER. I would live in that abandoned hotel, man.

Journey of the Little Mermaid: Beauty and the Beast is awesome but this one is IN.SIDE. You know what they have in-of-doors?*** Air Conditioning. And not that absurd Texas it’s-like-the-tundra-in-here-and-100-degrees-outside AC but refreshing AC.

Selfs Notes: “But Selfie, what about Toy Story Land?!” Gurrrrl, I would know nerfin about that because Toy Story Mania has had an 120 min wait time FOR. YEARS. And that’s not even new. TSL was straight claustrophobic the last time I even tried to walk through it and they haven’t even opened the Star Wars part of the park yet so I feel like it’s going to be a long while.

Honorable Mention: Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular



Turtle Talk with Crush: I’m sorry but this is just cool. The technology is neat. The little kids who ask questions are neat. I love Nemo. I love the Seas. And the manatees. I love manatees so much.^

Spaceship Earth: History and air conditioning

Reluctant Mention: Two of my close friends deeply love Living with the Land and umm, the line is inside and air conditioned so there ya go. Also, there are plants. And fish. You can eat and actually you do eat but dining in WDW so there’s that. But there’s also a whole World Showcase of drinking, eating and shopping like steps away from this ride that discusses technology from 1995 like it was brand-new so, priorities.


*I really did! Look at the IG!

**TIME IS MONEY??! Do y’all actually think I say shiz like this? *sigh * I am a monster.

** Yeah. I make of turns of phrases, it’s fine.

^ Maybe this is a personal problem? Idk.