Selfie Does Disney Month!


Well, if you've been reading Selfie Does for the all of...four months this site has been in existence, you are likely well acquainted with the fact that making everyday an adventure means having FUN (!!) regardless of what that means to you or whether other people think the same things are fun. In the spirit of this overarching goal, we're taking the month of April to talk about something that I love - Walt freakin' Disney World.*


So, no April Fools' here** we'll be talking about everything Disney this month - from "Why on Beyonce's green earth would I go to Disney as a childless adult and what the eff would I do there?" to Disneybounding to best food to the insane/amazing (insazing?) cottage industry that is Disney Etsy shops to RunDisney. If you're like "Selfs, I detest Disney" maybe you'll change your mind this month but if not, this isn't turning into a Disney blog and we'll be right back here in May with our regularly scheduled program. But first up, why do I, an adult woman, love WDW enough to dedicate a full month of my fledgling site on this topic? Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.


1) Papa Jose has worked there since 1983 and thus, it really is like comfort food or a “home for the holidays” type thing since I've literally been going since I was in  utero. 


2) I also worked there and had the best time serving fast food and cocktails with some of my very favorite people I've ever met. 


3) I got engaged there to Mr. Selfie. And it was awesome and I love him <3

4) I ran my first half marathon there and my first (and second) marathon there, too. RunDisney races are by far the most fun races I've done. 


5) Because Selfie Does....whatever she wants. And also Dole Whip. But no seriously, I’v spent my whole life going to Disney, it brings back great memories from my childhood and great memories from my adulthood and I just never got sick of it. Ever. There really is something for everyone IMNSHO.***

I have my outline of topics for the month but if there's anything in particular you love, want to comment on or have questions about, please hit me up in the comments below or on IG! 

Have a ...magical day!^ 

*New Trademark. I'm just kidding. Don't @ me Disney lawyers.  

**I really hate when brands do April Fools' Day. LIke "free leggings" but you're like. No, this is tired. But then again...maybe their marketing person thinks that's "fun" so... 

***In my not-so-humble opinion  

^Yup. I am who I am, ya'll.