Selfie Does Holiday Beauty Looks
Black Smokey Eye + Sephora brand “Classic Red”
As I mentioned before, I freaking love Christmastime. One of the things I love about it is all of the holiday parties where I get to see all of my favorite people – often, all at once. There is something magical about a season where glitter eye and a red lip is totally legit and let’s be real, that is fully my jam. This particular holiday season has been…a little extra fun. I live in a city where the plants attempt to (and succeed at) attacking our brains like an M. Night Shyamlan film*. What does this mean? It means that for the vast majority of holiday festivities, I was rocking a new friend, the feves! AKA I was literally running a freaking fever because of having Cedar Fever which is what I love super-the-best about Austin.**
Makeup by Gio
The black smoky eye I re-did and you can tell because of the lip…
Why am I talking about this? One, I love complaining. And dos, it’s mostly to give a mad shout-out to the ah-mah-ing MUAs of Sephora. A few years ago, I realized that if I simply waited to buy my perfume or foundation until I could get a make-up appointment at Sephora, I was essentially getting my make-up done “for free.” Umm.Yes, please! At this point, I’ve had enough VIB status that I legitimately go to Sephora a lot. Like…too much. Like I’m fairly certain that if I go missing, the fine people of Sephora will be the ones who call the police for my welfare check but I digress.
While I really enjoy doing my own makeup and I’m pretty decent at it, when having pictures done and special occasions, and sometimes, just to learn some new techniques, I feel more confident that it’ll stay put if I go get my makeup done. Por ejemplo, I do my own makeup at work when I need to film segments and sometimes, it looks great. And sometimes, I get the finished, posted product back, and my eyelash is half off.
This year was no exception. I had five events and five appointments. I always make sure to walk in with a really clear vision and I try to pick looks that aren’t the same. I deeply, deeply love a gold smoky eye with a huge wing and my girl Courtney is legitimately is the best. Of all time. But I also love an extra af look when I can get away with some glam (which is errday, all day. I do not care how casual this city is). And everyone at my local Sephora (Gio (whom I heart forever don’t even get me started)! Valerie! Jocelyn! Sarah!) are the most amazing at making that happen and plus, I always learn some new techniques to use at home.
The usual tools when I do my own makeup
This year I had some specific looks in mind. The classic: A gold smoky eye and red lip. A full-blown green glitter eye. And a black smoky eye and red lip which I loved so much I had done twice. The first time I had it done, it was the best ever. The second time, I actually just went ahead and redid it because the original look got a little Black Swan for the work-adjacent event I was headed to. It was, however, a great opportunity to do my own look. All of these are dope looks for NYE, as well. I strongly recommend trying out your Sephora if you haven’t already. It’s not at all intimidating, the people who work there are the sweetest, most amazing and so, so, so knowledgeable and great teachers. However, if you don’t want to schlep to sephora, these are so doable yourself. For a glitter eye, glitter glue IS KEY. Your glitter eye will end up all over your life if you don’t do that. Second, for a black smoky eye, step numero uno*** has to be a transition shade. If you try to just put black on your eye, you’re never going to get that, yes I’m going to say it, KKW lewk that you’re going for. I certainly tried and failed enough times to figure that out for myself.
Gold Eye + …you guessed it, a red lip. Makeup by Sarah
What is your favorite holiday look? Where do you go to get beauty look inspo? I tend to go to pinterest for beauty ideas and then follow up on youtube for a tutorial. This is the video I watched when I was looking to do the black smoky eye myself -